Allianz non-medical benefits

You have questions?

1 800 607-1920

Step {{ currentStep }} sur 3

1 Informations

2 Summary

3 Payment


Start purchasing your insurance policy now by selecting the desired coverage period.

The desired coverage period is in days, with day 1 corresponding to the day of departure outside the province and the last day corresponding to the day of expected return to the province.

Your plan

{{ }}


{{ selectedPlan.selected_price }}

Choose the duration required for your insurance*

Insurance start date

Eligibility requirements

Please read the eligibility criteria and privacy statement carefully before agreeing to the primary insured's statement. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 1-800-607-1920 or chat with us!

Travel information

The e-mail address you have entered is invalid. Please check its format (e.g.

Insured's full address in Canada

Additional traveller

Additional information

Would you like to add your dependents to your coverage? Enter their personal details (surname, first name, date of birth) and our team will contact you to adjust your rates.


Be sure to check that all the following information is correct, as it is required to provide you with travel insurance services and to issue a policy. If this is not the case, click on “modify” to make the changes. The premium amount may change according to the new information provided.

Your plan

{{ }}


{{ selectedPlan.selected_price }}

Insurance start date

{{ departureDate }}

Choose the duration required for your insurance*

{{ selectedPlan.duration }} days

Eligibility requirements

Travel information

Travel information

{{ traveler.firstName }} {{ traveler.lastName }}


{{ traveler.gender }}

{{ traveler.phoneNumber }} {{ }}


{{ traveler.address }} {{ traveler.suite }} {{ }}, {{ traveler.province }}, {{ }} {{ traveler.zipCode }}


{{ traveler.preExistingConditions }}

Additional information

{{ additionalInformation }}

I confirm (on behalf of all travellers listed in this contract) that I accept the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage, and that I understand what is not covered. I am aware of the premium costs associated with this application and I agree to pay the associated fees. I confirm that the information provided is accurate, and I acknowledge that any false declaration will result in the cancellation of the insurance. In case of doubt, I have contacted Assurance Visiteurs.

I confirm that by providing the personal information of all insureds in the submission, I have obtained the consent of all insureds to provide the personal information to Assurance Visiteurs and the insurer. I confirm that I am the parent or guardian of any minor insured or that I have obtained consent directly from the parent or guardian of such minor to share his or her personal information.

I confirm that by purchasing this travel insurance, I agree and consent to Visitor Insurance and its agents collecting, processing, distributing and retaining the personal information collected for the purpose of providing and administering travel insurance and conducting internal research and analysis in accordance with the stated Privacy Policy. I understand that this information will be retained for a minimum period of 5 years as required by Assurance Visiteurs’ regulatory obligations.

I confirm that by purchasing this travel insurance, I authorize Assurance Visiteurs and its agents to share my personal information for the duration of the insurance coverage with insurers, service providers and partners. This personal information may be shared with agents, brokers and credit card processors to facilitate the provision of travel insurance services. This information may be shared outside Quebec (if a resident of Quebec) or Canada for the purposes of insurance application, assistance services, claims processing and dispute resolution.

I consent to Assurance Visiteurs, its agents and suppliers communicating with me, during the term of my coverage, the information required to maintain and renew my policy. Without limitation, such communications may be for informational purposes or in connection with a request for service in the event of a claim. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.

If you are applying for someone other than yourself, please complete this section.

If this request concerns a person other than yourself (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, friend, client, etc.) or more than one person to be insured, that person must consent to the transmission of his or her personal information. Under Quebec’s Bill 25, each person must consent to the collection and transmission of his or her personal information. The person to be insured must read this consent form, sign it and return it by e-mail to within the next 24 business hours. In the case of minors, this authorization must be signed by a parent or guardian. After this time, the policy will not be activated.


I would like to be contacted by a financial security advisor to find out more about the range of individual products (life, disability, critical illness, car/home insurance and other savings products).



An error has occurred. Leave us your contact information and we'll get back to you.

By clicking “Submit” I agree and consent to Assurance Visiteurs and its agents collecting, processing, distributing and retaining the personal information collected for internal research and analysis in accordance with the stated Privacy Policy.