Travel Insurance for Canadian Students Abroad

Are you planning to study abroad? Are you doing an internship at a school abroad? Insurance for Canadian students abroad is specially designed to help you pursue your studies outside your country of residence.
Discover the insurance plans that meet your needs.

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Couverture abordable

Affordable coverage

Soins hospitaliers et médicaux d’urgence

Coverage for emergency medical care

Retour d’urgence au domicile et rapatriement

Emergency transport and repatriation

Why take out cover while studying abroad?

When you're studying outside of Canada, an unforeseen health problem can put a strain on your finances. A medical consultation or brief hospital stay can result in very high medical costs. To avoid unexpected costs that could arise in the event of a medical emergency, it's important to take out an insurance plan for the duration of your stay. You must also maintain your eligibility for provincial health insurance (e.g. RAMQ) for the duration of your stay outside Canada, in order to be eligible for the proposed plans.


A quick and easy process

Start buying your insurance policy with complete transparency and in a secure environment. If in doubt, talk directly to our licensed team to help you make the right choice.

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If in doubt, talk directly to our licensed team to help you make the right choice.

1 800 607-1920

What is covered by insurance for Canadian Students Abroad?

In the event of an unexpected health problem or accident, an uninsured student could face significant medical expenses. To prevent this risk, a Canadian student insurance plan will cover eligible medical expenses related to a medical emergency while you're away from Canada.

We've selected a variety of coverage plans from several insurers to meet your needs. Depending on the insurer, some plans offer coverage for medical emergencies and various medical expenses, with amounts ranging from $2 million to $5 million per traveler.

Soins hospitaliers et médicaux d’urgence

Hospital and emergency medical care

Médicaments sur ordonnance

Prescription drugs

Transport médical d’urgence

Emergency medical transportation

Soins dentaires et médicaux d’urgence

Emergency or accident dental care

Assistance en cas d’urgence 24/7

24/7 assistance

Soins de la vue

Eye examination

Examens physique

Physical examination

Certains services de professionnels de la santé

Health professional services

Soins psychologiques

Psychological care

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Baggage and travel delay insurance

Add the baggage and trip delay option, a great way to extend your travel coverage. Benefit from additional protection in the event of :

  • Baggage loss and delay
  • Travel accident
  • Travel delay
  • Trip interruption

You can also extend this coverage to your dependants!

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Frequently asked questions

We've put together some frequently asked questions. Can't find the answer to your question? Don't hesitate to contact a member of our team.

Visit the FAQ

I want to come back to Canada to visit my family during the holiday season. Will I lose my coverage?

You will not lose your coverage during this period, but expenses incurred in your province of residence will not be covered. If you have a medical emergency while in Canada, your provincial health insurance plan will pay for it.

My spouse and children are accompanying me on my trip. Is it possible to obtain insurance coverage for them as well?

Yes, if you are an eligible student, the plan will cover any dependents under the age of 40 who accompany you. Your dependents must be on the same plan as you, have the same travel dates and live at the same address.

Can I travel outside my country of study during my school vacations?

Yes, you can travel as long as the time spent in your country of study represents at least 51% or more of the coverage period.

Expenses incurred in your province of residence will not be covered. An exclusion will apply if World Affairs Canada has issued a written notice advising against all travel to the city, region or country in question.

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